Forest Climate Adaptation & Implementation Series Finale: May 8/10
CRSF’s Forest Climate Change Initiative, with the Forest Stewards Guild and Maine TREE, have finalized plans for their final webinar and field tour in year 4 of their Addressing Forest Climate Change in Maine series.
The season finale will provide an overview of the Piscataquis County Soil & Water District (PCSWD) and history of Williams Forest, forest management planning, rehab management to help address climate change at the landscape level, and engaging women in landowner stewardship.
Women’s Approach to Climate Adaptation will feature PCSWD Executive Director Sarah Robinson; Molly London, licensed professional forester; Jessica Leahy, Henry W. Saunders Distinguished Professor of Forestry in the School of Forest Resources at the University of Maine; and Julie Davenport, Maine Forest Service District Forester working with loggers and landowners in western Maine.
Webinar & Field Tour Registration