Northern States Research Cooperative Business Report
Published: 2018
Written and edited by NSRC Regional Directors William “Breck” Bowden (University of Vermont), William H. McDowell (University of New Hampshire), David Newman (State University of New York), Aaron Weiskittel (University of Maine)
The Northeastern States Research Cooperative (NSRC) State Directors released their comprehensive report on the program’s contributions to generation of knowledge about the environment and the economy of the Northern Forest over the past 16 years. Since its inception, the NSRC has funded 335 projects, engaging 50 different institutions, agencies, and organizations across the northeast. NSRC funded projects have supported 176 individual researchers and generated over 300 peer-reviewed papers. The knowledge and information from these projects have been disseminated in workshops, webinars, and other products that have reached thousands of community members, business leaders, agency staff, and other researchers.
Research projects funded by the NSRC have encompassed topics in atmospheric pollution, forest management and productivity, land use planning, forest ecology, forest health and invasive species, recreation and tourism, energy and carbon, climate change, community and landowner engagement, water and watersheds, economy of the Northern Forest region, as well as wildlife, forest products, and conservation and biodiversity.
This report showcases its 16-year record of achievement, vision, and strategic planning and addresses how the NSRC might evolve in the future to continue to support relevant Northern Forest research that will benefit the people who live there, work with its resources, use its products, visit it, and care about it.