Cooperative Forestry Research Unit
The CFRU serves the large, commercial forest landowners of Maine and has more than 30 members representing over 8 million acres of forestland.CFRU scientists conduct applied research that provides Maine’s forest landowners, forestry community, and policymakers with the information needed to ensure both sustainable forestry practices and science-based forest policy.
Intelligent GeoSolutions
The Intelligent GeoSolutions team offers highly accurate geospatial information about forest attributes relevant to forest management, scalable to large areas using satellite imagery and USFS FIA data.
Northeastern States Research Cooperative
The NSRC is a competitive grant program that was funded by the USDA Forest Service through 2016 to support cross-disciplinary, collaborative research in the Northern Forest; the CRSF oversees Theme 3, encompassing research that will quantify, improve, and sustain productivity of the Northern Forest as a working forest landscape.
Center for Advanced Forestry Systems
As participants in the Center for Advanced Forestry Systems (CAFS), an NSF industry-university cooperative, CRSF helps facilitate the connections between forestry research programs and industry members to solve complex, industry-wide problems. The CRSF took over as the lead program site in 2018.
Bear Brook Watershed
The Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM) research program is centered on two small first-order adjacent forested stream watersheds in eastern Maine. BBWM has served an array of scientific objectives that include acid deposition, climate change and carbon sequestration, nitrogen saturation, base cation depletion, and studies of the evolution of watershed biogeochemistry under prolonged experimental acidification since the 1980s.
Howland Research Forest
The Howland Research Forest attracts local, national, and international scientists interested in studying nutrient cycling, forest ecology, climate change, and carbon sequestration.
Silviculture for Acadian Spruce-Fir Forests
In this new technical series, Robert Seymour, University of Maine Professor Emeritus of Silviculture in the School of Forest Resources, summarizes the voluminous literature and research findings that have accumulated over the last five decades under seven major themes relevant to the silvicultural treatment of Acadian spruce-fir forests.
Silviculture for Spruce-Fir Forests
The series topics include history and current condition (2023) of the Acadian Spruce-Fir Resource, assessing soils and site quality, managing for high timber yields, a stocking guide and resources.