Coastal Spruce-Fir (Schoodic) Climate Change and Adaptation Webinar & Field Tour
Schoodic Peninsula: Climate change impacts, adaptation opportunities, and implementation focused on the coastal spruce-fir forest.
WEBINAR: February 23, 2022, Noon to 1 pm
1 Cat 1 CFE credit eligible
Webinar Recording
FIELD TOUR: February 24, 2022, 9.30am to 1:30pm
4 Cat 1 CFE credits eligible
Schoodic Peninsula field tour snippets (3 min video)
Thanks to our Panelists: Nick Fisichelli, President & CEO, Schoodic Institute, Peter Nelson, Forest Ecology Director, Schoodic Institute, Michael Jensen, Maine Forest Service District Forester, Steve Dunham, Regional Biologist, Dept of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Bob DeForrest, Project Manager for Maine Coast Heritage Trust.
Panelists frame their discussion around climate impacts on coastal spruce-fir forests; the role of Schoodic Institute’s research science to inform practice; wildlife & forest structure concerns; conservation & preservation. The field tour traversed a range of early successional, mid successional, and older coastal forests to gain diverse perspectives on land and forest management, connectivity, and adaptation opportunities.
Resource Links
Climate Change Response Framework
Climate Change Projections for Individual Tree Species: Eastern & Coastal Maine
New England Forest Vulnerability Assessment
Schoodic Institute
Main webpage:
Sensing change in the tundra (recent example of Peter Nelson’s use of remote sensing
Another example of Peter’s work measuring light reflected by leaves:
2021 year-in-review for Schoodic field science and learning:
News on the newly conserved parcel on the Schoodic Peninsula that is part of the field trip on
Climate change refugia research on the Schoodic Peninsula:
Example of the climate change adaptation challenges being faced in Acadia:
Maine Coast Heritage Trust:
MCHT Schoodic to Schoodic Initiative
Maine Forest Service:
Be Woods Wise The MFS will help you make the right choices for your woodland, and their advice is FREE!
The MFS website also provides key information about district foresters, selecting a consulting forester, forest stewardship, tree growth tax law and much more.
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife:
Beginning with Habitat (BwH) helps Maine municipalities, landowners, and land trusts build habitat conservation into their long-term plans:
The Wildlife Division oversees the management of all wildlife resources in the state, and is charged with the preservation, protection, enhancement and wise use of these resources.
The FCCI-FSG forest climate webinar and field tour series are generously supported by the Munsungan Endowment.