Oak-Pine Climate Adaptation (Holt Research Forest) Webinar and Field Tour

WEBINAR: December 1, Noon to 1 pm
1 Cat 1 CFE credit eligible
FIELD TOUR: December 3, 9.30am to 1:30pm
3 Cat 1 CFE credits eligible
Webinar Video Link
Holt Field field tour snippets (3 min video)
Background Links
A Harvest at the Holt 15 minute video on the research harvest conducted at the Holt Research Forest during the fall of 2020.
Holt Research Forest: 3+ Decades of Ecosystem Research 4 minute video of interviews with Holt staff and researchers affiliated with the University of Maine’s School of Forest Resources and Center for Research on Sustainable Forests
Holt Forest From Above 2 minute aerial footage and research summary of Holt Research Forest
Holt Research Forest A history of the Holt Research Forest, including some of the key findings from nearly four decades of long-term forest monitoring (26 minute video aired on MPBN).
The FCCI-FSG webinars and field tours are generously supported by the Munsungan Endowment Fund supporting outreach and education projects that educate the public about forest resources in Maine.