Quality-of-Place and Economic Development within the Penobscot River Watershed Survey Released

Dr. Sandre De Urioste-Stone (Program Director, CRSF Nature-Based Tourism) and Dr. Robert Lilieholm (Program Director, CRSF Conservation Lands), professors in UMaine’s School of Forest Resources, are conducting a survey of residents who live along the Penobscot River to collect their perceptions of recreational use of the River and its tributaries, as well as their feelings about their community and its ability to adapt to changing social, economic, and environmental conditions. Results gathered from the survey will be used to help towns and businesses better define and achieve economic development goals while protecting the region’s quality of life.

Forestry Researchers Surveying Residents Along Penobscot River for Economic Development Study

For more information, contact Dr. De Urioste-Stone (sandra.de@umaine.edu or 581-2885).