INSPIRES NSF Track 2 Project Led by UMaine Wraps Up

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Leveraging Intelligent Informatics and Smart Data for Improved Understanding of Northern Forest Ecosystem Resilience, an NSF-supported RII Track-2 FEC project that merged expertise from the University of Maine, University of New Hampshire, University of Vermont, and Alabama A&M University to facilitate analysis of forest ecosystem integrity and resilience from multiple scientific perspectives, has issued its final project report.

During its five years, the INSPIRES project built research capacity with novel low-cost sensor sites across the New England region and Alabama to significantly enhance monitoring and understanding of forest ecosystems, applied artificial intelligence to fostered strong cross-disciplinary and cross-jurisdictional collaboration, supported educational and workforce development initiatives, produced scientific outcomes with practical applications for forest practices and policy, laid a strong foundation for sustained research and collaboration, with outcomes poised to have a lasting impact of forest ecosystem research and management.

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A pdf of the INSPIRES final report, as well as previous project year reports, research briefs, and team profiles can be downloaded from the INSPIRES project website.

The emphasis and support of collaborative team science throughout the duration of the project means the INSPIRES team will remain engaged and productive about the potential of these research efforts and its broader implications for the region’s forest-based economy, and are shifting shift towards new opportunities and long-term sustainability within and across institutions.