Emerging Technologies & Maine’s Heritage Industries Report Released
A diverse group of educators and professionals from across the state of Maine gathered at the University of Maine’s Portland Gateway in June 2023 to discuss the field of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and the related areas of data science and informatics. These topics were interwoven with the future of Maine’s natural forest resources and the industries that have developed around them. This report summarizes the focused discussions on the obstacles Maine’s companies are facing in recruiting high tech employees with appropriate skills; possibilities of capitalizing on the opportunities provided by Maine’s natural resources; steps needed to build a resilient, innovation-based economy; and how AI offers promise to address many of the challenges.
The report also introduces the Maine-FOREST plan, currently under development by researchers at the University of Maine. The plan represents a statewide effort to bring together different organizations to work on the complex issues of developing the state’s workforce in AI, data science and related informatics skillsets, and bridging the state’s forest industry away from a declining paper manufacturing emphasis to emerging new opportunities.
The meeting was hosted by leads from the University of Maine Center for Research on Sustainable Forests, Portland Gateway, and Maine EPSCoR.
Read the full report: Data Frontiers: Emerging Technology & Maine’s Heritage Industries Workshop Report