CRSF Releases Year 3 EPSCoR Track-2 Annual Progress Report
The University of Maine’s Center for Research on Sustainable Forests has just released its annual progress report on the NSF-funded INSPIRES project, which leverages unique expertise from the University of Maine, University of New Hampshire, University of Vermont, and Alabama A&M University to construct a digital framework to better assess, understand, and forecast this complex forest at a resolution relevant to scientists, land managers, and policymakers.
Across the four institutions, INSPIRES currently involves 82 individuals with the majority being faculty, bolstered by 21 undergraduate/graduate students, 2 post-doctorate researchers, and 14 professional staff.
The primary goals for Year 3 were to continue visiting field research sites, strategically deploying wireless sensors for climate data acquisition across the four jurisdictions, targeting remote sensing acquisitions, completing ecological model parameterization and calibration for predicting regional forest dynamics, and refining mentoring and student participation.
Click here to access INSPIRES project annual progress reports,
Leveraging Intelligent Informatics and Smart Data for Improved Understanding of Northern Forest Ecosystem Resiliency (INSPIRES) is an NSF-funded (Award #1920908) EPSCoR Track 2 program. The Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is designed to fulfill the mandate of the National Science Foundation (NSF) to promote scientific progress nationwide.